Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Up and Running

I have been meaning to setup a blog like this to keep track of my progress here with the new company. Sadly, it has been almost a half year. So yeah, it takes me a lot longer than expected. However, life is good and job is gliding like it suppose to, I am going to try and sort of catch up with my schedule.

I don’t want this blog to sound like formal or anything, but I still want to state my purpose here loud and clear to remind myself to focus on the subject and not being sidetracked by some nonsense stuff.

“The purpose of writing this blog is to keep track of my work at Xtex while sharing my knowledge, experience and insight with others.”

There it is. I have said it out loud and clear. For those of you who are reading this blog, feel free to criticize me because I know I am a freaking idiot most of the time and easily being sidetracked by lots of things.

Please note that I have abbreviated the name of the company I am working for right now to avoid any deliberated attack or harass. So, for crying out loud, please don’t go online and google “Xtex”. It would be totally unintelligent.

I guess that’s it for the very first entry or shall I say let the party begin!

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